Workshops for parents of babies and toddlers about this program:
“Getting to know God – right from the beginning!”
Our online workshops (language: German) are directed mainly to parents and grandparents but are also helpful for those leading a group for mothers with babies and toddlers or for teachers in Sunday school for little children.
For more details: see

“Getting to know God – right from the beginning!”
For more than 25 years Doris Braun has been working with this program (regular local mother-toddler-group); we have provided many workshops (in Germany, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria).
In Germany most of our workshops will be given in German only, because we teach about the songs and the material which are used in German speaking parent-children-groups. But there is a translation of the book (available as files) for English speaking parents as well. And when we are outside Germany we teach with translation (e. g. in RUS, RO, MD).
This workshop is directed mainly to parents and grandparents but is also helpful for those leading a group for mothers with babies and toddlers or for teachers in Sunday school for little children.
The workshop wants to give ideas how to connect everyday life of a young child with God. There are different ways how to convey important basic ideas to little children and how to communicate with them. Therefore we should use these first decisive months and years to lay a good foundation for the later life of the child.
This program is directed towards children from about 1/2 a year to 4 years old and is intended to communicate
– God’s love for them,
– that he has made them beautiful and
– that he is the creator of the world which they are about to discover.
We want the children to get to know God as a loving father who cares for them and listens to them.
We use a lot of visual aids and many songs. You may view pictures on our German home page.
We published a book (including a CD with the songs) in German ( In the meantime Russian, Bulgarian and French versions are available, too. Right now we are translating the most important parts of this book into other languagues (e. g. Romanian).
FAQ: How does it look like? Where can I find more information about this program on the internet?
Pictures and info texts on the internet:
For more information (English) see:
>>> / Right From The Beginning
Pictures from a local mother-toddler-group:
German web site (“VAA-Konzept”):
FAQ: What do you teach in such a workshop?
Here are the subjects of our workshops:
* Biblical foundation – how does God see children?
* Developmental foundation – the development of children in their early years.
* Practical tips:
– – – How can I connect everyday-life of my child with God?
– – – How can I create short programs for babies and toddlers?
– – – How can I start and arrange a group for mothers with babies and toddlers?
– – – What can a group for babies and toddlers look like in a Sunday-school setting?
FAQ: Is this program really for babies?
Yes! “Right from the beginning” is for babies and toddlers!!
Every human being needs good food to be able to grow and get strong. We want to nourish our babies as good as we can so that they develop well and get strong.
As Christians we know that we not only need physical nourishment but also spiritual nourishment. This also applies for babies and toddlers. But how can we do this at an age in which we cannot communicate through the intellect?
The workshop wants to give ideas how to connect everyday life of a young child with God. There are different ways how to convey important basic ideas to little children and how to communicate with them. Therefore we should use these first decisive months and years to lay a good foundation for the later life of the child.
Scientific research confirms more and more how important the first years of life are for the development of the child in later years. What the child experiences during these first months and years of life builds the foundation for the years to come. Therefore it is important that our babies and toddlers experience right from the beginning that they are loved and cared for and that there is a loving father in heaven who has made them wonderfully and cares for them.
Doris und Rolf-Dieter Braun
– YWAM / TPM / JMEM Hurlach –
Gartenstraße 14
86857 Hurlach
Facebook: Doris Braun and Rolf-Dieter Braun
Web site:
E-Mail Rolf-Dieter Braun:
E-Mail Doris Braun
phone: +49 – 8248 – 7262 (in Germany: 08248 – 7262)